Monday, October 23, 2006

Strength testing...

On the weekend I tried out the rosewater in a pancake batter. 1 cup milk, 1 cup wholemeal flour, some sugar and 1 1/2 tablespoons (North American Metric ones) of rosewater. While we couldn't really taste the rosewater as such, you could tell somthing was there. Not sure if it's a fair test really.


Destructomeg said...

But a test I'm prepared to try again ;)

Mz. B.Trousers said...

Oh, Mr. Snerg. I think you're stwong!
And big and bwave too!

worldpeace and a speedboat said...

rose water in pancakes? intriguing.

Destructomeg said...

*snort* so big and bwave....