Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mudgee has food too!

While in Mudgee, we went to a very tasty restaurant. It looked like this at the back:

And like this out the front:

And like this if it was made out of chocolate:

Tasty tasty giant ravioli. Apparently you could actually call it a raviolo (the small ones are apparently still called ravioli in singular). Anyway, this one was stuffed with chunks of roast pork and apple.

The fish was also quite tasty.

And I had of course my favourite dessert. Mmmmmm. Blowtorch.

And we ordered wine by the glass which also rocked. Also, apparently this is Sydney style food, not country. As opposed to giant hamburgers that don't cost very much which are available from the local pubs. Either way, I'd go back.

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