Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Lingering details

Well I'm still trying to claim the last parts of my car insurance. I received the refund cheque from the RTA, which was a different amount than NRMA thought it would be. Maybe I should keep quiet about those extra few dollars I got. That may have been down to the fact that the plates were returned to the RTA because the car turned up. Anyway, after getting my certificate of "Car no longer exists" from the RTA and faxing that off to the NRMA resolutions department, I got a fax back from NRMA because there's an extra form to fill in which I didn't previously know about. They seem to require my policy number for some reason rather than just my rego plate details with a few signatures all placed neatly on one form. Found a good copy of the form on the website, better than the mangled been through the fax machine one they sent me. Now I have to find my old policy details back again. This time for sure! This should be the last bit of the insurance claim (just over $150 remaining from CTP insurance which had to be refunded in this convoluted fashion).


worldpeace and a speedboat said...

ahhhhhh bureacracy!

(did I spell that right?)

MrSnerg said...

Close enough! There are 2 u's in bureaucracy and you've eliminated one of them. Sounds a bit like "There's no I in team". Wonder if it has any motivational powers...

Well I've faxed off the next step. Wonder what else they have waiting for me?

worldpeace and a speedboat said...

more forms, because... *singing*

bureaucracy is for forms!
(for forms)

MrSnerg said...

I like your thinking....

"Ready formal people?"

MrSnerg said...

Oooh yeah... and I deleted my first spam from here! Hooray! A real blog! Now I'm actually on the spam maps.