Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What price, victory?

On the weekend, I fought in the final tournament of a most noble series of tournaments for this:

That's right. It's an ounce of gold. Was I mighty?

Sometimes. Sometimes not.

So what price for victory? I don't know since I didn't win. Certainly not as much as the price for not having the victory. The winner well deserved the prize. I certainly earned my own prize of this and a few others just like it.

It was great fun, and certainly a noble contest. I am grateful to those who organised it and those who took part. There was something different about the tournament. Not the monetary value of the prize, but the idea behind it and the medieval and chivalric character created by a prize of refined precious metal which will hopefull now become a piece of jewellery or some other decoration. That ounce of gold now has a history which I hope will not be forgotten.

I would also like to thank the very lovely DestructoMeg for being the photographer extraordinaire.


anti ob said...

Final round = nice work Mr. Snerg!

MrSnerg said...

Heh kinda... I qualified by not being lazy. I made it to the final round robin by entering the 3 previous tournaments. Not sure it deserves a huzzah.

anti ob said...

Not being lazy 3 times in a row counts for something in my book!

Miss Jimmy said...

Well Done Snerg! You are mighty!
The bruise looks a bit hurty though!

worldpeace and a speedboat said...

dude... are you meant to thank Destructo for being a fabulously inspirational consort as well?

I think so...

... unless you haven't arsked her to be your inspiration...

... in which case... GET TO IT! ;-)

Destructomeg said...

gah consort stuff... gag!

worldpeace and a speedboat said...


inescapable ;-P