Okay... so it is a bit of a commercial entity now, but it's still nice to stop and think of the ones you love. Not in an overcrowded go out to dinner like cattle kind of way, but in a little gesture kind of way. Thankyou Mz DestructoMeg! I don't think anyone has actually given me flower(s) before, and it was very sweet :-)

Not sure I entirely understand why, but it was a really cool thing to do. Maybe because it was so totally unexpected? Anyway.... I'll stop blubbering before this blog gets coated with mush.
Hi Snerg,
I thought your KOL Valentine was really cute. I couldn't figure out how you sent it though.
Glad you were amused by the card!
You buy them from the "gift shop" on valentines day, and then it pops up the option on the messages screen when you send a message. You can probably buy more cards from the marketplace now.
you two kids, you bring a smile to my face and my heart. there you go - blog now coated with mush :)
(btw I think ivan might be spammy)
UGH. sook.
you love it missmeg!
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